Author: Phil Mule’
Coach to the Individual
People have different strengths and weaknesses, their own style of processing new information, and the reasons they wake up and go to work every day. Great leaders figure out what makes each person on their team tick and then help each person create their own plan that works to their strengths.
Be Approachable
“There are no stupid questions” “My manager is not too busy” This is how your team should be thinking before they approach you. Not everyone is comfortable asking for help. Most won’t do it if they feel like they’re wasting your time.
Inspire and Create a Culture of Taking Risks and Self-Development
You can’t get the best out of people if you don’t challenge them and don’t allow them to take chances. Don’t handhold every part of a task. Instead, give direction and let them drive the result. Challenge them to do research if they need additional assistance.
Don’t Create Boundaries
You’ll never know what people are capable of if you set limits on their goals. Every organization has standards and goals that they are trying to achieve. Those goals should be the minimum bar instead of a finish line. Encourage people to set new bars for themselves. No one could run a mile in under four minutes until someone did.
Be Genuine and Take an Interest in People
Get to know the people you work with. Take a real interest in who they are and what’s important to them both professionally and personally. When someone knows you truly care about them as a person, their commitment and production level increases significantly.
Promote Transparency- Encourage Upward Feedback
Encourage your team to voice their opinion, even when they disagree with you. Those kinds of conversations are best one on one behind closed doors. If you have a team of individuals who are willing to share their ideas, the end result will always be better.
Give Timely Feedback
“Feedback is a gift.” Some think feedback can hurt someone’s feelings, that is why the delivery of feedback is just as important as the feedback itself. People are much more open to feedback when they don’t feel like they are being attacked. Giving feedback immediately, when the topic is fresh in both your minds, is much more effective.